This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

 » Curriculum


The curriculum will be developed for adult learners. Within this target group, we will take into consideration different levels of education as the main distinction:

  • Low level educated adults
  • Adults with average education level
  • High school graduates

Other criteria, such as labour market policy or social criteria ("disadvantaged", "unemployed" etc.) are less or not at all relevant for the transfer of learning contents. presently, an unemployed person might be a former manager or a nearly illiterate person, the same is true for migrants. The category "disabled" contains far too many subcategories, some of which are completely irrelevant (e.g. a person in a wheel chair moght be low or high educated), others such a mental disorders require a special approach that surpasses the scope of this project by far.  However, the curriculum will refer to special needs of  managers/entrepreneurs of micro and small scale enterprises and of young people.